Persona Custom Fields
Understanding the Persona + Importance to Persona Custom Fields
Easy Agile Personas creates and manages two custom fields: Persona and Importance to Persona.
The Persona custom field, allows a user to associate one of the Personas created in their Project with an issue in Jira. This signifies to the team which of our Personas will be serviced by delivering this piece of work.
The Importance to Persona has 4 variables:
The Importance to Persona custom field allows a users to flag to their team, how important a particular piece of work is to the chosen Persona.
To see and edit these on an issue, they need to be added to an Issue Screen.
Adding the Easy Agile Persona Fields to Jira Issue Screens
Cloud: Company Managed Projects
A Jira Administrator can find the issue view settings in Jira settings → Issues → Screens

Find the Project's Screen Scheme(s), eg. "CDDS: Scrum Default Screen Scheme". There may be more than one to configure for your Project, typically a Default and a Bug Screen Scheme.

For each Screen Scheme, go to Configure
(not Edit). To add new fields to the issue view, search for them in the dropdown at the bottom.

Add both the Persona and Importance to Persona fields to the screen. Users will be able to find and edit these on issues they have permission to edit so that they can link Personas to the issues which that Persona values.

HOT TIP: At this point, you can reorder the fields on your screen as well. Fields lower down the list are often hidden under a “Show more fields” link and can be more difficult for users to find.
Cloud: Team-Managed (Next-Gen) Projects
Next-gen Projects use a separate set of fields to the fields managed in Jira Settings. This means that they can’t use the “Persona” and “Importance to Persona” custom fields created by Easy Agile Personas.
We’re investigating a way to create and use fields in Next-gen Projects but this feature isn’t available yet. While you can still create and manage Personas within a Next-gen Project, they can’t yet be linked to Jira issues.
Using Persona Custom Fields
Navigate to the issue you would like to associate with a Persona on your Backlog in Jira.
Click on the Persona field, to reveal a list of available Personas for your Project. Select the Persona you would like to associate with this issue.
Click on the Persona Importance field, and select one of the following options to signify the importance/value this work delivers for your chosen Persona; High, Medium, Low or None:

All issues associated to your Personas can be viewed on the Persona’s profile:

You can also use JQL functions to pull lists of issues associated to your Personas. Read more about Persona JQL functions here.
Once the Persona and Importance to Persona custom fields have been added to the Issue View, you can find these custom fields on issues in the associated Project.
These link your Persona with the issues that affect them or would provide value for them. You can search for them using the Persona archetype, eg. The Busy Mum.
Using JQL to search for issues associated with Personas and Persona Importance
Searching by Persona
“Persona” = ”Persona Archetype” to pull a list of all the issues that have been associated to that persona.
"Persona" = "Space Tourist"
This would pull a list of all issues that have been associated with the Space Tourist persona
Searching by Persona Importance
“Persona Importance” = “High/Medium/Low/None” to pull a list of all the issues that have been associated with that level of importance.
"Persona Importance" = "High"
This would pull a list of all issues, irregardless of their Persona, that have been marked as having High importance
Searching by Persona & Persona Importance
You can also use the custom fields together for more targeted JQL searching.
"Persona" = "Persona Archetype" AND "Persona Importance" = "High/Medium/Low/None" to pull a more focused list of issues for a single Persona with a specified importance level.
"Persona" = "Space Tourist" AND "Persona Importance" = "High"
This JQL function would pull a list of issues associated with the Space Tourist persona that have been specified as High importance