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Easy Agile Programs 2.0.1

Release Date: 1st February 2019

Following on from our big release of 2.0.0 yesterday is this small improvements release.



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Small Improvements

2.0.1 includes the following small improvements:

  • Added a link on the Roadmap that takes a Program Manager to Edit Roadmap
  • Added the Increment name to the breadcrumbs on the Increment Roadmap for consistency
  • Fixed: New increment form overlaps a past increment
  • Fixed: Program and Increment links in the header breadcrumbs are incorrect after switching programs
  • Fixed: Team Boards are not indicated as a required field on Program creation
  • Fixed: Roadmap doesn't show on Team Planning when coming from board
  • Fixed: Dragging and dropping is broken in IE11
  • Fixed: Backlog search terms are persisted after toggling the backlog closed and open but not shown in the search box

The Easy Agile Programs Team 

Special Thanks! 

We can't succeed without your feedback, insight and recommendations for improvement so please keep sending your feedback directly via the (question) button on the top right of any page in Easy Agile Programs. Thanks so much! 

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