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Easy Agile Programs 3.0.1 - Support for Additional Fields in the Issue View

Release Date: 8th July 2020

The team at Easy Agile is happy to announce the release of Easy Agile Programs 3.0.1!


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Improving the Planning Experience with Support for Additional Fields in the Issue View

The issue view has quickly become one of the most frequently used feature in Easy Agile Programs! Our customers have told us that the ability to add details to their issues without leaving their Program is crucial.

In Easy Agile Programs 3.0.1, we’re happy to announce we have added support for the following fields in the Issue View:

  • Multi-line text custom fields

  • Select List custom fields - single + multiple choice

  • Sprints

In order to view these new field types in the Easy Agile Issue View, your Jira Administrator will need to add any relevant fields to the screen being used by your Project.

Here is a link to an Atlassian doc which walks you through how to add a field to a screen.


We also fixed the following bugs in this release:

  • Clicking out of the Issue View modal after editing the description field would not save changes

  • An ‘unexpected error' would sometimes occur where issues within a Program had been linked to issues outside the Program

Special Thanks!

We wanted to say a big thank you to Mark, Jon, Yolandi, Michelle and Jeff for their feedback and patience while we worked on this release!

Thank you for all your continued support and encouragement as we work to improve Easy Agile Programs! We can’t succeed without your insight and recommendations for improvement. Reach out directly via the (question) button at the top of any page in Easy Agile Programs for help or to provide feedback.

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