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Date markers

Date markers are a flexible way of representing important dates or events, such as conferences or marketing releases.

Markers will show at the top of the Roadmap.

  • A vertical line shows the start date.

  • Hover over a marker to show its end date, if it has one.

Full-page view of Roadmaps, with a purple date marker in early August labeled International conference

Adding a marker

To add a new marker, use the “Add date marker” button in the top right of the app.

Right-hand end of toolbar with Add date marker highlighted

Each marker has:

  • A name

  • A start date

  • (Optionally) an end date, if the marker represents a period of time

  • A color

Dialog menu named Markers, with empty fields Name, Start date, End date, and Colour, and buttons Add Marker and Close at the bottom

Editing and deleting markers

Edit or delete a marker by clicking on the marker to open the edit menu.

Dialog menu named Markers with fields completed but editable, and a red button labeled Delete Marker in the bottom left corner

Coming soon: version markers

Classic Roadmaps includes both:

Version markers are not yet available in New Roadmaps. This functionality is coming soon!

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