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Easy Agile Roadmaps 4.1.8 - Bugfixes and Small Improvements

Release Date: 30th September 2020

The team at Easy Agile is happy to announce the release of Easy Agile Roadmaps 4.1.8!

Want to start using this version of Easy Agile Roadmaps? Don't forget to renew your software maintenance and support contract! Renew now.

Bugfixes and Small Improvements

  • Improved our newsfeed UI so users can more easily access best practice guides, tips and tricks to make sure they’re getting the most out of our product

  • PDF export preview is broken in Cloud

  • Roadmaps icon not rendering correctly in Jira 8.12

Thank you for all your continued support. Reach out via the (question) button at the top the page in Easy Agile Roadmaps or directly via if you have any questions for the team.

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