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Easy Agile Roadmaps 4.1 - Quick access to issue details

Release Date: 17th September 2019

The team at Easy Agile is happy to announce the release of Easy Agile Roadmaps 4.1.0



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Quickly Access Issue Information without leaving Easy Agile Roadmaps

"I just noticed this morning that in the Story Map, if you click on an issue's Jira code, it now opens a pop-up window containing some of the Issue details, instead of linking away to the Issue page. This is going to be yet another game changer! Nice work!" - Brenton Cheng, Internet Archive 

We were so thrilled with this feedback from one of our Easy Agile User Story Maps customers, that we decided to roll out our new Detailed Issue View across all of our products, including Easy Agile Roadmaps!

The new Detailed Issue View allows users to access the following issue information without leaving the Roadmap:

  • Summary
  • Description
  • Components
  • Assignee
  • Versions 
  • Status
  • Any single line custom fields that have number or text values

This new Detailed Issue View can be accessed by clicking on the issue key of any issue. Note: the text and numeric fields must be on the edit screen for the issue type/project to appear in the new Detailed Issue View. 

Special Thanks!

We wanted to say a big thank you to Simon, Lisa, Arnaud, Oliver, Rob, Lee, Tai, Ben, Mike, Dmitriy, Charles, Daniel, Vincent, Brian, Ben, Thomas, CK, Anju and Charly for their feedback and patience while we worked on this new release! 

Thank you for all your support and encouragement as we continuously work to improve Easy Agile Roadmaps! We can't succeed without your insight into your use cases and recommendations for improvement. Reach out directly via the (question) button at the top of Easy Agile Roadmaps for help or to provide feedback. 

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