This page is designed to help you understand what users with and without the global Manage Programs permissions will be able to access, update, delete and see when you have installed Easy Agile Programs. We understand that privacy and control are important when creating your Programs and we hope that this documentation gives you the visibility and confidence you need when getting started with Easy Agile Programs.
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to view the global list of all Programs for that Jira instance by accessing the View all Programs button under the Boards heading in the Jira Global Navigation
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list and will not be able to see the View all Programs button under the Boards heading in the Jira Global Navigation
Create new Programs
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to create new Programs from the global Programs list page
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list (even if they are sent a URL to the page) and therefore are not able to create new Programs
Create Program Increments
Users with the Manage Programs permission can create new Increments by clicking the New Increment button on the Program Roadmap
Users without the Manage Programs permission do not see the New Increment button on the Program Roadmap and therefore can not create new Increments
Edit Program Increment details (i.e. Name and Objectives)
Users with Manage Programs permission can edit Increment information such as Increment Name and Objectives, by accessing the Edit Increment button under the '...' menu
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not see the '...' menu on the Increment headers, and therefore do not have the ability to edit Increment information such as Increment Name or Objectives
Set/Edit Program Increment Roadmaps
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to edit an Increment's Roadmap at any time and will see the 'Edit Roadmap' button on all pages in Easy Agile Programs
Program Roadmap
Program Board
Team Planning Board
Users without the Manage Programs permission can not edit/set an Increment's Roadmap and will not see the 'Edit Roadmap' button on any page in Easy Agile Programs
Program Roadmap
Program Board
Team Planning Board
Delete Program Increments
Users with Manage Programs permission can delete Increments by accessing Delete Increment under the '...' menu
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not see the '...' menu on the Increment headers, and therefore do not have the ability to delete Increments
Delete Programs
On Cloud and on current versions of the app on Data Center, only users with Jira Administrator permission can delete Programs.
On Data Center with app versions 5.2.1 and earlier, users with the Manage Programs permission can delete existing Programs from the global Programs list page.
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list (even if they are sent a URL to the page) and therefore are not able to delete Programs
Users with Manage Programs Permission
Users without Manage Programs Permission
See list of all Programs
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to view the global list of all Programs for that Jira instance by accessing the Programs icon in the Jira Global Navigation sidebar
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list. When users without the Manage Programs click on the Programs icon, they won't be able to see the list of Programs, rather they'll see the following message
Create new Programs
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to create new Programs from the global Programs list page
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list (even if they are sent a URL to the page) and therefore are not able to create new Programs
Create Program Increments
Users with the Manage Programs permission can create new Increments by clicking the New Increment button on the Program Roadmap
Users without the Manage Programs permission do not see the New Increment button on the Program Roadmap and therefore can not create new Increments
Edit Program Increment details (i.e. Name and Objectives)
Users with Manage Programs permission can edit Increment information such as Increment Name and Objectives, by accessing the Edit Increment button under the '...' menu
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not see the '...' menu on the Increment headers, and therefore do not have the ability to edit Increment information such as Increment Name or Objectives
Set/Edit Program Increment Roadmaps
Users with the Manage Programs permission are able to edit an Increment's Roadmap at any time and will see the 'Edit Roadmap' button on all pages in Easy Agile Programs
Program Roadmap
Program Board
Team Planning Board
Users without the Manage Programs permission can not edit/set an Increment's Roadmap and will not see the 'Edit Roadmap' button on any page in Easy Agile Programs
Program Roadmap
Program Board
Team Planning Board
Delete Program Increments
Users with Manage Programs permission can delete Increments by accessing Delete Increment under the '...' menu
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not see the '...' menu on the Increment headers, and therefore do not have the ability to delete Increments
Delete Programs
Users with the Manage Programs permission are not able to delete existing Programs from the global Programs list page. Deleting a program is restricted to Jira Administrators / System Administrators.
Users without the Manage Programs permission will not be able to access the global Programs list (even if they are sent a URL to the page) and therefore are not able to delete Programs
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