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Easy Agile Programs - Permissions

We understand that managing large Jira instances is a complicated responsibility. We've tried to make permissions as straightforward as possible by leveraging the existing Issue, Project and Agile Board permissions available in Jira. 

  • If a user has access to an Agile Board, they can access it where it is used in Easy Agile Programs

  • Adding a team Agile Board to a Program enables users who can access that Board to see the Program including its Program Increments and Increment Roadmaps. 

  • In order to add Boards to a Program (or otherwise edit the Program and its Increments), a user must have Manage Programs permission. 

Manage Programs Permission

Easy Agile Programs adds one global permission called Manage Programs which determines who can:

  • View the list of Programs

  • Create new Programs

  • Edit Program information such as Program Name, boards within a Program, dependency link type 

For more detail on what users with and without Manage Programs permission can view and change, see Understanding the Manage Programs Permission

On Data Center and Server versions 5.2.1 and earlier, users with Manage Programs permission can also delete Programs.

From 5.3.0 and later (as well as on Jira Cloud), only users with Jira Administrator permissions can delete a Program.

How to grant the Manage Programs permission 

To create or edit Programs or Increments, you will need to have either Jira Administrator or Manage Programs permissions. Only Jira Administrators can grant users the Manage Programs permission. 

In Jira, Global permissions can only be applied to a user group. This means that you’ll need to use or create a group in Jira to grant Manage Programs permission. For example, you might create a new group named “Program Managers”.

Jira DC9 grant Manage Programs to group.png

Adding a global permission to a group in Jira Data Center

See Atlassian’s documentation on managing and granting global permissions in Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center.

Block app access using a Data security policy on Jira Cloud

On Jira Cloud, Atlassian’s new app access rules can prevent Easy Agile Programs from accessing or showing in specific Jira projects.

This is configured using a Data security policy, which can be configured by an Organization Administrator. This allows you to select:

  • The Jira projects you’d like to restrict access to; and

  • The App access Policy rule.

If you have Atlassian Access, you’ll be able to choose which apps you block using an allowlist or a blocklist.

Otherwise, you’ll only be able to block all apps. This means that using a Block app access rule to restrict Easy Agile Programs will block other apps as well.

If you can access an issue on the board in Jira, but can’t access it in Easy Agile Programs, this could be caused by an App access Policy rule.

How Jira projects are used in Easy Agile Programs

Easy Agile Programs provides a view across multiple Jira boards: this is likely to include issues from multiple Jira projects. The Jira boards used in Easy Agile Programs might be single-project or multi-project boards.

This means that an App access Policy rule can result in a Jira board being partially missing from Easy Agile Programs.

  • For example, a Jira board might contain project “WEB” and “IOS” (eg. board filter query project IN (WEB, IOS) ORDER BY Rank ASC). If project “WEB” has an App access Policy rule that blocks Easy Agile Programs, but IOS doesn’t, then the app will only show the IOS issues from the board.

A Data security policy applied to a Jira project can cause missing issues on:

  • The Program Roadmap, and the Roadmap backlog

  • Team-level issues planned in sprints on the Team Planning page, and the Team backlog

  • Issues that should be shown using date syncing from the Roadmap issue source or Third-level issue source


What permissions are required to create and edit Programs?

In order to create or edit Programs or Program Increments or delete Program Increments, you will need to have either Administer Jira or Manage Programs permissions.

Scroll up to learn how a Jira Administrator can grant a user Manage Programs permissions. 

What permissions are required to delete Programs?

On Cloud, only Jira Administrators or System Administrators are able to delete Programs. 

On Data Center or Server, this varies depending on the app version:

  • On version 5.2.1 and earlier, users with Manage Programs permission can delete an existing Program.

  • From version 5.3.0 and later, only users with Jira Administrator permission can delete Programs.

Why don’t I see the “View all Programs” option under the Board dropdown like in the demo video?

The “View all Programs” option under the Boards dropdown is only visible to users with the Global Manage Programs permission.

Users without the Manage Programs permission are only able to navigate to Programs via the Programs icon in the Project sidebar, where the Jira board that is included in a Program.

What can users without Manage Programs permissions do in Easy Agile Programs?

We've tried to make permissions as straightforward as possible by leveraging the existing permissions in Jira. This includes Project permissions (applied to all the issues in that Jira project) and Board (Filter) access.

Learn more about how Permissions are configured in Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center.

Here are some examples of what a user without Manage Programs permission can do:

  • If a user has access to a Jira board, they can access it in Easy Agile Programs.

  • Adding a team board to a Program enables users who can access that board to see the Program, including its Program Increments and Increment Roadmap. They will only be able to see other team boards if they have access to those boards in Jira.

  • If a user has Schedule Issues permission and Edit Issues permission for a Jira issue’s parent project, then they will be able to schedule issues on the Team Planning page.

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