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Use the Filters menu to refine what issues are displayed on the Roadmap.

Use the Filters button in the top left to open the Filters panel on the right-hand side of the page.

Left-hand of toolbar end with Filters button highlighted
Full-page view of Roadmaps with a Filters menu open on the right-hand side and some filters selected

When filters are active, the Filters button will show the number of active filters.

Filtering issue types

With Hierarchy enabled

When Hierarchy is on, choose which levels of the issue type hierarchy to display.

Use the dropdowns to select the highest and lowest levels from the hierarchy configured in Jira. All issue types from the included levels will show on the roadmap.

Filters menu with Hierarchy and Status options

Filtering with Hierarchy disabled

With Hierarchy disabled, select one or more issue types to display. If none are selected, all applicable issue types will show on the roadmap.

Filters menu with Issue type and Status options

Filtering by status category

Select from the status categories “To do”, “In progress” and “Done” to filter issues on the roadmap. If none are selected, no issues will be filtered based on status category.

If hierarchy is enabled, some issues may still be visible even if they are filtered out. These issues are shown in order to maintain the hierarchy structure.

In this situation, you’ll see a blue information message as pictured.

Status dropdown with In Progress selected. A blue info box advises that there may be some exceptions to filtering to maintain the hierarchy
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