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Roadmaps app data storage

Easy Agile is committed to Cloud security.

Data stored for Easy Agile Roadmaps

Easy Agile Roadmaps uses two types of data: Jira data, and app-specific end-user data.

  • Only new roadmaps (currently available in early access) functionality stores app-specific data.

  • Classic roadmaps only use existing Jira data. This includes epics and other issues from your Jira board. Additional configuration, including theme swimlanes, is stored on the Jira board as a hidden property.


Jira data

App data


Epics and issues

Projects, boards, and versions

User names and email addresses

Roadmap configuration for new roadmaps (currently available in early access)


Easy Agile apps never store a copy of your Jira data.

Jira data is fetched directly from Jira when a user loads the page, using that user’s Jira authentication.

Where app data is related to Jira data, we store only the ID number of the relevant Jira data (e.g. the board ID number or user hexadecimal ID).

Cloud: Only data for new roadmaps that can’t be stored in Atlassian Jira is saved in Easy Agile’s cloud servers. All data for classic roadmaps is stored on the Jira baord Read more about Data residency for Cloud customers below.

On Data Center: new roadmaps functionality not currently availability for Data Center.

End users can choose to share personal information such as their name and email address with Easy Agile. This includes:

The Easy Agile Roadmaps app processes but does not store this personal information. All PII is stored in services in our listed subprocessors.

Read more about what kinds of data we collect in our Privacy Policy, or download our Data Processing Addendum (DPA) from

Data residency for Cloud customers

For our Cloud customers, app data that cannot be stored in Jira is stored in Easy Agile’s cloud servers (outside Atlassian).

  • The app integrates with Jira through the Atlassian Connect Framework. This includes using a shared installation secret to manage authentication with Jira. This secret is stored in our cloud servers in addition to the app data.

  • Team member access to production infrastructure is restricted by our Security and IT team and subject to audit logging. Team members who are part of an administrator group, or can request access, are required to use biometric authentication.

Easy Agile’s cloud infrastructure is operated from 2 AWS regions:

  1. In the USA: us-west-2 in Oregon

  2. In Germany: eu-central-1 in Frankfurt

Which region your app data is assigned to will depend on where the host Jira site is pinned at the time Easy Agile Roadmaps is installed:

  • By default, customers will be assigned to the USA region.

  • If your Jira site is pinned to Germany at the time of installation, the Easy Agile Roadmaps app data will be assigned to the region in Germany.

  • If your Jira site is pinned elsewhere in the EU, Atlassian will determine the nearest supported region to assign your installation

It is not currently possible to manually select or change the data residency region for Easy Agile Roadmaps after the app has been installed.

If you’re interested in more data residency region options, let us know here.

App data after uninstallation

If you uninstall the Easy Agile Roadmaps app from your Jira site:

  • App data will no longer be accessible.

  • The data will not be deleted from the Easy Agile cloud servers or Jira Data Center database where it is stored.

  • Jira data (e.g. issues, epics, sprints, versions) that has been viewed or edited using the app will not be affected by uninstallation.

If you re-install the app again in the future, your data will be restored.

  • On Jira Data Center, you can safely uninstall/re-install the app to troubleshoot technical issues. No data will be lost and the app will function as normal after re-installation.

How we keep data safe in our cloud

SOC 2 Type II

Easy Agile’s cloud services are SOC 2 Type II certified.

Learn more about Easy Agile’s security compliance and controls at


System and Organization Controls (SOC) 2 is a widely recognized security standard developed by the AICPA that specifies how organizations should manage customer data. This means that we’ve undergone an audit and assessment to ensure their security controls meet AICPA’s Trust Services Criteria, including:

  • Security

  • Availability

  • Processing integrity

  • Confidentiality

Easy Agile Roadmaps is a Cloud Fortified Atlassian Marketplace app

All Easy Agile apps are Cloud Fortified, earning the highest badge on the Atlassian Marketplace for security and reliability.

Cloud Fortified Guidance.png

As a Marketplace Partner, we follow the Atlassian guidelines for security:

Our Jira Cloud apps require the following Atlassian Connect Permissions (Scopes): Read, Write, Delete, and Project Administration. Project Administration is needed for creating and updating Release versions.

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