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With Themes, you can organize your issues into customizable swimlanes. This allows you to manually reorder and structure your roadmap.

Full Roadmap page with Hierarchy toggled off and issues split into themes Ambition, Maintenance and No theme

These Themes are not connected to data in Jira such as issues, fields, or components.

Toggle Hierarchy off to view themes

Themes can currently only be visualized as swimlanes when Hierarchy is toggled off.

Switch the Hierarchy toggle off to show Themes on the roadmap.

All issues not yet in a Theme will show in a “No Theme” section at the bottom of the roadmap.

Issue panel hierarchy toggled off.png

Managing Themes

Create Themes

Use the Themes button in the top right-hand of the app to open the Themes menu.

Right-hand end of Roadmaps toolbar with Themes button outlined

Create a new Theme in this menu. This new Theme will appear at the top of the roadmap.

Themes dialog.png

If Hierarchy is toggled on, the Themes won’t be visible on the roadmap.

Edit Themes

Reorder Themes on the roadmap by using the up and down arrows.

Looping GIF showing a theme being moved up and down

Rename Themes from the Themes menu. Click on the name of any Theme to edit it.

Themes dialog with a Theme Name in edit mode with the cursor showing at the end of the name text

Delete Themes on the roadmap or in the Themes menu using the “trash can” button.

Drag and drop issues between themes

Drag and drop to change issue order or move issues between Themes.

Dragging an issue by the dotted handle on the left-hand side out of the No theme section into a theme

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