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Finding your app license or SEN

Why find your app license?

  • The Easy Agile support team might ask you for your app license so that we can better identify any issues you’re seeing. This might include problems related to your app version/hosting, or matching your bug to related error logs.

  • Sharing your license number with us when you first reach out can help us help you faster!

What does the app license look like?


Data Center

Cloud apps have an Entitlement Number that starts with “E-”.

Data Center apps have a Support Entitlement Number (SEN) that starts with “SEN-”.

e.g. “E-A1B-2C3-D4E-5F6”

e.g. “SEN-12345678”.

On Jira Cloud, we can also locate your app license using the Jira URL, e.g. “”.

The host Jira site will also have a license like this.

Finding app licenses in Jira

Users with Jira System Administrator permission can find app details from the “Manage apps” page in Jira.

TeamRhythm Cloud manage apps license numbers.png

On Data Center, you can also see the app version number here and update the app.

For more information on managing apps in Jira, see Atlassian’s documentation:

Finding app licenses in Easy Agile apps

An in-app help menu is included in most Easy Agile apps: Easy Agile TeamRhythm, Easy Agile Programs and Easy Agile Roadmaps.

Ellipsis or meatball menu open showing a Help button

This menu includes troubleshooting information generated by your copy of the app. This is a blob of JSON data that includes the app license number.

A dialog named Support information with a chunk of code-like text selected

You can either:

  • Find the “entitlementNumber” or “supportEntitlementNumber” property in the JSON object; or

  • Send the Easy Agile support team the full in-app troubleshooting information, which can also help us identify any problems you’re seeing!

Learn more about in-app troubleshooting here.

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