You can select from four different templates in Retrospectives. The Foundation template is displayed by default.

To switch to Space Mission, Get Rhythm or Rose Blossom template:
Click on Bling → Select Template
Click on the desired template
Click on Apply

The learn more about the retrospective technique behind the different templates, click on the link under the description of the template.
There are two different layout options available for the retrospectives board. To switch to column or grid view, select the preferred layout from the Layout section under Retro bling.

If you would like use other templates in TeamRhythm Retrospectives, you can send a suggestion for template using the Suggest a template link in Choose a Template modal.

Add New Column
An additional column can also be configured in the retrospective board from the Retro bling button.
To enable the additional column:
Click on Bling
Click on Add column
Edit the column title and description

Hide Column
To hide the additional column:
Click on Bling button
Toggle off the additional column button