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Configuring Retrospective Permissions

To configure retrospective permissions, open the Retrospective board, and click the padlock icon found in the top right.

Add team members

To enable access to the retrospective:

  • Check the tick-box next to each team member that you wish to have access to the retrospective

  • Click Save

If there is a big list of team members, you can easily search for the user:

  • Type the user name in the search field and check the tick-box;

  • Scroll-down the list of team members, and check the tick-box

Remove team members

To remove access to the retrospective:

  • Un-check the tick-box next to each team member that you do not wish to have access to the retrospective

  • Click Save

If there is a big list of team members, you can easily search for the user by:

  • Type the user name in the search field and uncheck the tick-box; OR

  • Scroll-down the list of team members, and uncheck the tick-box

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