Help with common errors in Easy Agile TeamRhythm
If you’re seeing an error message in Easy Agile TeamRhythm, check this list of common errors to troubleshoot the problem. You may be able to solve it by changing configuration in Jira, or working with your Board Administrator or Jira Administrator to do so.
If you can’t identify the problem you’re seeing or the resolution steps do not solve the problem, contact the Easy Agile Support Team.
400: “We cannot access your board’s issues” filter query errors
When opening the User story map, the app uses your board filter query to fetch issues from Jira. If Jira detects a problem with the query, it will return an error and the app will not load.
These errors can often be fixed by editing the board filter query in Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center and Server.
Learn more about the Board Filter Query and Easy Agile TeamRhythm.
“The value 'xxxxx' does not exist for the field 'yyyyy'.”
This is often a Component, ie. “The value 'xxxxx' does not exist for the field 'component'.”
Cause: None of the values specified in the board filter are still available; they may have been deleted or renamed.
Resolution: A Board Administrator can update the board filter query by removing the field requirement OR updating the values to one that does still exist.
“A value with ID '#####' does not exist for the field 'project'.”
eg. “A value with ID '10001' does not exist for the field 'project'.”
Cause: You’re missing “Browse Projects” permission for one or more projects in the board.
For example, if your board filter is project in (WEB, IOS) ORDER BY Rank ASC
, then you’ll need to have “Browse Projects” permission for both the WEB and IOS projects.
Resolution: Any of:
A Jira Administrator can grant “Browse Projects” permission for project(s) in the board.
For example, if your board filter is
project in (WEB, IOS) ORDER BY Rank ASC
, then you’ll need to have “Browse Projects” permission for both the WEB and IOS projects.
A Board Administrator can remove the project from the board if it is no longer needed.
⚠️ Is it an alphanumeric project key, eg. “The value ‘WEB'…”? This means it’s not “Browse Projects” permission: the project has been deleted. See “The value 'xxxxx' does not exist for the field 'project'.”
“The value 'xxxxx' does not exist for the field 'project'.”
eg. “The value 'WEB' does not exist for the field 'project'.”
Cause: The project has been deleted or the project key/name has been changed.
Resolution: A Board Administrator removes the project from the board filter
⚠️ Is the error message about a numerical ID, eg. “A value with ID ‘10001'…”? This means the project hasn’t been deleted: you’re missing permission to access it. See “A value with ID '#####' does not exist for the field 'project'.” above.
“Field 'xxxxx' does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.”
eg. “Field ‘Team’ does not exist or you do not have permission to view it.”
Cause: The field has been renamed or deleted from Jira.
Resolution: A Board Administrator can update the board filter query by removing the field requirement or update the field name to the new name.
“No issues have a parent epic with key or name ‘xxxxx’”
Cause: One or more issues listed in the board filter have been deleted.
Resolution: any of:
A Board Administrator can update the board filter to remove references to issues which no longer exist.
A Jira Administrator can Re-index Jira to resolve problems where references to deleted/renamed issue keys or IDs have not been automatically updated.
400: “An unexpected error occurred”
This error only appears on Jira Data Center and Server, on app versions below 8.5.0.
Cause: One of:
You do not have “Create Issue” permission for one or more projects in the board.
(DC only) One or more projects in the board have been Archived; this effectively means that no one has “Create Issue” permission for that project.
Resolution: Any of:
Update the app to the latest version (recommended).
A Jira Administrator can grant the person “Create Issue” permission for all projects in the Board Filter.
A Board Administrator can remove the project(s) from the Board Filter.
“Cannot detect Epic issue type”
Cause: one of:
The “Epic Name” field is not on the Screen used by one or more projects in the board.
The board filter query excludes the Epic issue type.
You do not have the “Create Issues” permission for one or more projects in the board.
If other people are able to load the User Story Map, it is likely that you are missing “Create Issues” permission for one or more projects in the board. A Jira Administrator can grant this permission.
Check that your board filter query does not exclude epics. A Board Administrator can change the board filter to include epics.
A board filter which uses a clause like
issuetype in (Story, Task)
excludes epics by specifying other issue types.
A Jira Administrator can change the Screen used on your projects to add the “Epic Name” field.
500: “Internal Server Error”
This error only appears on Jira Data Center or Jira Server.
Cause: There is currently an issue with the underlying Jira instance.
Data for Easy Agile TeamRhythm is stored in Jira’s database either as standard Jira data (eg. issues, epics, sprints) or additional tables within the same database (eg. retrospectives, hierarchy configuration). The app will display this issue when it encounters an issue accessing the Jira server when fetching this data.
Resolution: Contact your Jira Administrator or internal IT support team to raise this problem with them.
503 Error
This error only appears on Jira Data Center or Jira Server.
Cause: One of:
There is currently an issue with the underlying Jira instance, such as an outage or unexpectedly high usage.
The board you are attempting to load is requesting an unusually large number of issues, causing unexpectedly high usage.
The board filter includes more than 10 projects, or includes almost all projects (eg.
Project != WEB
).If this is the case, you may be encountering a known issue with the Jira API for large boards.
If you are experiencing errors elsewhere in Jira, then this is likely an issue with the underlying Jira instance rather than Easy Agile TeamRhythm. Contact your Jira Administrator or internal IT support team to raise this problem with them.
A Board Administrator can change the filter query to select fewer projects or issues.
500: “Duplicate key” or “Duplicate field reference error“
This error only appears on Jira Data Center or Jira Server.
Cause: a field has been added to an Issue Screen more than once.
Resolution: A Jira Administrator with access to the database can resolve this problem by following this guide from Atlassian: Duplicate key error in Jira server on creating issue via REST API or accessing Custom Fields page in JIRA.
“Drag and drop disabled”

Drag and drop disabled
Ranking is disabled, as the Filter Query for this board is not ordered by ascending Rank. Please check your filter configuration.
Cause: one of:
The board is ordered by a field other than Rank, eg.
ORDER BY priority DESC
clause is missing from the board filter.
Resolution: Use “Add Rank” in Board Configuration to adjust your board filter query to use ORDER BY Rank ASC
Learn more about Order, rank, and drag and drop in board configuration.
Still having problems? Contact the Easy Agile Support Team.