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Easy Agile Roadmaps - Migrating and JCMA

Easy Agile Roadmaps data migrates with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA).

Migrating to Jira Cloud

We understand many of our customers are undergoing a shift from on-premise (Server and Data Center) to Jira Cloud following the Atlassian announcement of the end of support for Server. To compare Jira migration methods, please visit this page by Atlassian Support.

Easy Agile Roadmaps integrates with JCMA, a free Jira Server / Data Center app offered by Atlassian on the Atlassian Marketplace.

When the app is included in a JCMA migration, app data for migrated Jira projects will automatically be migrated.

Migrating with the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant (JCMA)

If you are using JCMA to migrate to your Cloud instance, you can use JCMA for migrating data for Easy Agile Roadmaps as well. Learn more about the compatibility of the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant.

What do you need?

JCMA can be used to migrate Roadmaps data only under the following conditions:

  • You have Jira Administrator permission.

  • JCMA is installed in your Jira Server or Jira Data Center (DC) instance.

  • Easy Agile Roadmaps on the Server/DC instance is updated to version 4.3.0 or later.

  • Easy Agile Roadmaps is installed in the Cloud instance, and date syncing settings are configured to match the Server/DC site.

As the migration occurs based on project selection, the data migrated for Easy Agile Roadmaps will depend on the projects being migrated. Easy Agile Roadmaps data will only be migrated for the boards that belong to the Jira projects selected during migration.

We recommend always using the latest version of Easy Agile Roadmaps when running migrations.

Expired app license on Jira Server? You can still download the latest version of the app from the Atlassian Marketplace, and upload this to your Jira Server site.

The app will show an “Unlicensed” page when using a version your license does not include access to. However, the JCMA integration will still work without an eligible license.

Are you eligible for dual licensing? Learn more about it here.

How does it work?

  1. Install Easy Agile Roadmaps on the destination Jira Cloud site.

  2. Configure the app on Cloud to use the same date sync settings as on the origin Server/DC site.

If date sync is not enabled on the origin Server/DC site, migrating to a site where date syncing is enabled can cause problems.

Any Jira issues which have dates set will be automatically added to that board’s Roadmap; this may include large numbers of historical issues and cause performance issues or errors.

  1. During JCMA’s Assess your apps stage, select “Needed in Cloud” for Easy Agile Roadmaps.

  2. Follow the steps on how to use the Jira Cloud Migration Assistant to migrate data to your Cloud instance.

  3. App data associated with your migrated Jira data will be migrated as one of the last steps in the JCMA migration.

When running a JCMA migration, you’ll choose which Jira projects will be migrated. Easy Agile Roadmaps data will only be migrated for the boards belonging to the selected Jira projects.

Staged migrations

If you are planning a staged migration, we recommend enabling Easy Agile Roadmaps for all migrations. This allows it to migrate the app data associated with the Jira projects in each migration. The app does not need a separate migration.

Including the app in more than one migration is safe and will not create duplicate data.

Easy Agile Roadmaps will migrate app data associated with any Jira data which can be found on the destination Jira Cloud site.

Site import [deprecated]

Earlier versions of Jira and Easy Agile Roadmaps supported migrations using Site Import (or “Site Backup” / “Site Restore”). This was compatible ONLY with migrations where the Jira data was also migrated with Site Import.

As of November 2023, Atlassian has discontinued support for Site Import. This means that Jira and app data can no longer be migrated using this method. App pages “Site backup” and “Site restore” will be removed accordingly.

Migrating Easy Agile Roadmaps app data using site import is NOT compatible with any other migration paths.

Migrating from Server to Data Center

Migrating from Server to Data Center is easy. Simply change your license key in Manage Apps and our app will continue to work as before.

(info) We recommend that you migrate from the newest version of our app to the same version on Data Center. This will reduce the likelihood of errors occurring during migration.

Visit Atlassian’s documentation on migrating from Server to Data Center.

Migrating your license between Jira Server, Data Center or Cloud

As all Easy Agile licensing is handled via the Atlassian Marketplace, you will need to contact Atlassian about transferring your license. Note that licenses cannot be directly transferred or credited; however, you may be eligible for a free trial in order to make the transition process smoother.

To raise a Billing, Payments and Pricing request, contact Atlassian Support here.

We are here for you!

If you have any questions or concerns about migrating to Jira Cloud, feel free to reach out to or via our Support Desk.

All Easy Agile apps are available on both Cloud and On-premises Jira instances. Wherever you are migrating, we are here to make it easy. For more information on our migration support, please visit our Migration Hub.

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