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Easy Agile Roadmaps - Pricing & Licensing

How does pricing of Easy Agile Roadmaps work?

On Jira Cloud

Easy Agile Roadmaps for Cloud is sold as a monthly or annual subscription. You will need an active subscription to continue using the app. You’ll be eligible for support with your subscription, and receive continuous software updates.

Find the price for your user tier on the Marketplace listing here, for your choice of monthly or annual billing.

On Jira Data Center

Easy Agile Roadmaps for Data Center is sold as an annual subscription. You will need an active subscription to continue using the app. You’ll also be eligible for support and software updates with your subscription.

Find the price for your user tier on the Marketplace listing here.

On Jira Server

As Atlassian have retired their self-managed server offerings, Easy Agile Roadmaps is no longer available to purchase or evaluate on Jira Server.

On expired Server licenses, the app will continue to work as-is. You’ll only be able to update the app to versions which were released during your license period. You will no longer be eligible for support or updates, but we’re available to help with migrations to Data Center or Cloud.

Where can I generate a quote for an Easy Agile Roadmaps license?

You can generate a quote for Easy Agile Roadmaps for Jira Cloud or for Jira Data Center in the the Atlassian quote form, by selecting the “Quote” option and choosing the relevant deployment.

Do you offer academic, community, or open-source licenses for Easy Agile Roadmaps?

If you have an academic license for your Atlassian product, you may be eligible for the same discount on your app license. Learn more about Atlassian's discount options here.

Which license tier do I choose when purchasing Easy Agile Roadmaps?

When purchasing Easy Agile Roadmaps, you must purchase a license that matches your highest Jira application tier.

For example, if you have a 500 user Jira Software license and a 100 agent Jira Service Desk license, you must purchase a 500 user Easy Agile Roadmaps license.

This is a requirement of the Atlassian Marketplace and for both Jira Data Center and Jira Cloud. You can read more about licensing and pricing of Atlassian Marketplace apps here.

Can I purchase Easy Agile Roadmaps for a subset of users?

When purchasing an app license the user tier must match that of Atlassian Jira. This is a requirement of the Atlassian Marketplace, as detailed in this Atlassian FAQ.

Atlassian handles all licensing for Marketplace vendors so we can focus on what is important to us - providing quality software and supporting our customers. As such we are unable to modify the licensing to be restricted to specific user groups within a Jira site.

Where do I get license keys for my new Easy Agile Roadmaps license?

On Jira Cloud

Cloud apps will be renewed, extended, or upgraded after receipt of payment.

On Jira Data Center

License keys are available via once payment has been received. 

Why am I seeing a “No Valid License Installed” message?

When a “No Valid License Installed” message appears on the Roadmaps, this indicates that there is no valid license or your previous license has expired. You can purchase a license here

Please let us know if we are able to further assist you, or if you would like us to put you in touch with a solution partner to facilitate your purchase.

My license has expired. How do I purchase a new license?

You can purchase a new Easy Agile Roadmaps license for Jira Cloud or Data Center here.

I purchased a license for the wrong Easy Agile app, could you please switch my licenses?

All licensing matters are handled directly through Atlassian, so unfortunately there is nothing we can do as vendors to rectify this. Please reach out to and open a ticket directly with Atlassian, they will be able to resolve this for you.

Where can I read the Easy Agile End User License Agreement (EULA)?

The Subscription Agreement and End User License Agreement for Easy Agile apps are available on our website at License & Subscription Agreements.

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