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Compatibility & Performance

App performance and scalability

Easy Agile TeamRhythm is a JavaScript application that uses the Jira Software REST APIs as its primary data source. This means it can scale alongside Jira.

Our Atlassian Marketplace apps for Data Center use Atlassian’s test platform for performance and scale testing. This helps us verify that Easy Agile apps do not impact Jira performance.

Some of our happy enterprise customers include Bosch, JP Morgan, BMW, Oracle, IBM, and Coca Cola. 

Easy Agile TeamRhythm is fully supported by our Product and Engineering team and in active development. We are committed to growing and developing the capabilities of our team to ensure a scalable and effective product that demonstrates value today and into the future.

Jira compatibility

Easy Agile TeamRhythm is not yet compatible with Jira Data Center 10 due to breaking changes.

Please check the Versions page on the Atlassian Marketplace for details on supported versions of Jira for each Easy Agile TeamRhythm version.

While we endeavour to maintain support for commonly used versions of Jira, we will no longer support old versions of Jira that are not supported by Atlassian.

Compatibility with team-managed projects

Yes, Easy Agile TeamRhythm is compatible with team-managed (previously next-gen) projects on Jira Cloud. There are some limitations for the User Story Map:

  • Filtering of Epics and issues is limited to status and assignee.

  • Version swimlanes are not yet available in team-managed projects.

  • Estimation (time and story points) is only available when both the Sprints and Estimation features have been enabled in your project settings.

  • Some unusual behaviour may be observed on Jira boards in company-managed projects that include issues from a team-managed project. For example, Quick Create is not available to create new Epics. 

  • The additional fields able to be displayed on Issue cards are not yet available on Team-Managed projects.

Easy Agile TeamRhythm Browser Support

Browser compatibility for Easy Agile products aligns with Jira browser compatibility. Our apps are tested on Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox.

Internet Explorer

Atlassian announced that they would be retiring support for Internet Explorer in September 2019. Support for Internet Explorer on Cloud was discontinued in March 2020, and on Jira Data Center and Jira Server from version 8.6 onward.

We will continue to support the existing feature set in Internet Explorer 11 until Jira 8.6 enterprise support ends in October 2021, but we encourage you to switch to a modern browser for the best experience.

Easy Agile TeamRhythm Accessibility Conformance Report

International Edition (Based on VPAT® Version 2.5)


Name of Product/Version: Easy Agile TeamRhythm Cloud
Report Date: 15/10/2024
Product Description: An Atlassian Jira app to facilitate team Agile ceremonies including User Story Mapping, Sprint Planning, Backlog Refinement, Planning Poker and Retrospectives.
Contact Information:
Evaluation Methods Used: Testing based on general knowledge and assistive technology

This report is downloadable in word format for accessibility here:

Easy Agile - TeamRhythm - VPAT 2.5 International Cloud - October 24.docx

Data Centre

Name of Product/Version: Easy Agile TeamRhythm DC Version 12
Report Date: 15/10/2024
Product Description: An Atlassian Jira app to facilitate team Agile ceremonies including User Story Mapping, Sprint Planning, Backlog Refinement, Planning Poker and Retrospectives.
Contact Information:
Evaluation Methods Used: Testing based on general knowledge and assistive technology.

This report is downloadable in word format for accessibility here:

Easy Agile - TeamRhythm - VPAT2.5 International DC - Oct 24.docx

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