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Easy Agile TeamRhythm - Permissions

Globally disabling parts of the Easy Agile TeamRhythm app

Removing app icons from the project sidebar

On Jira Cloud, you may be able to use a Data security policy; see “Block app access using a Data security policy on Jira Cloud” above.

On Jira Data Center only, a Jira Administrator can configure modules for the app to hide the app icons for all Jira projects.

If you wish for only some teams to use the Easy Agile TeamRhythm app, you may wish to remove the “User Story Map” and “Retrospective” icons from the project sidebar.

Because this will hide the app icons on all Jira projects, we recommend saving a link to the app pages for any projects where you do wish to use the app. We suggest adding a Project shortcut in Jira to the User Story Map and/or Retrospective page for each project where you wish to use the app.

To hide icons, find and disable the relevant app module(s). This is found in Jira’s global settings → Manage apps → Easy Agile TeamRhythm for JIRA → expand “### of ### modules enabled”:

To remove both “User Story Map” and “Retrospective” icons, disable the following modules:

  1. easy-agile-user-story-maps Icon css (eausm-icon)”

  2. Storymap in the global project nav (global-sidebar-plan-storymap)”

  3. Retrospective in the global project nav (global-sidebar-plan-retrospective)”

If you wish to remove only the Retrospective option, see Can I disable the Retrospective page of Easy Agile TeamRhythm? above.

On Jira Cloud, it is not currently possible to hide the Retrospective part of the app.

On Jira Data Center only, a Jira Administrator can configure modules for the app to hide the app icons. This is available from version 12.0.0 and later.

For Data Center versions of the app, it is possible to remove all methods of navigating to the Retrospective page of Easy Agile TeamRhythm. This includes:

  • The Retrospective icon in the project sidebar; and

  • The Retrospective tab in the header of Easy Agile TeamRhythm (pictured).

While this does not remove the functionality entirely, user will be unable to navigate to the page without a saved/bookmarked URL.

In-app header tabs for User story map and Retrospective pages

To do this, find and disable the relevant app module(s). This is found in Jira’s global settings → Manage apps → Easy Agile TeamRhythm for JIRA → expand “### of ### modules enabled”:

  1. "Retrospective Navigation In App (eausm-enable-retrospective-in-app-navigation)”

  2. Retrospective in the global project nav (global-sidebar-plan-retrospective)”

  3. Retrospective (easy-agile-retrospective)”

Manage apps in Jira settings: the modules option

Disabling Planning Poker Panel

On Jira Cloud, it is not currently possible to hide the Planning Poker part of the app.

On Jira Data Center only, a Jira Administrator can configure modules for the app to hide the app icons. This is available from version 14.0.0 and later.

For Data Center versions of the app, it is possible to remove the Easy Agile Planning Poker panel within the Jira Issue View.

While this does not remove the functionality entirely, the user will be unable to access the web panel.

To do this, find and disable the relevant app module(s). This is found in Jira’s global settings → Manage apps → Easy Agile TeamRhythm for JIRA → expand “### of ### modules enabled”.

There are several “Planning Poker modules in this list. Disable the one named:

"Planning Poker Issue View Panel (eausm-planning-poker-issue-view-web-panel)”

Manage apps in Jira settings: the modules option

TeamRhythm DC Plannign Poker Issue View Panel module.png

Module "Planning Poker Issue View Panel (eausm-planning-poker-issue-view-web-panel)”

Restrict Easy Agile TeamRhythm access to Jira projects/boards

When the Easy Agile TeamRhythm app is installed, the User Story Map and Retrospective options will appear in the project sidebar. The app will be available for all Jira Software boards: Scrum, Kanban, and (on Jira Cloud only) team-managed projects.

Block app access using a Data security policy on Jira Cloud

On Jira Cloud only, Atlassian’s new app access rules can prevent Easy Agile TeamRhythm from accessing or showing in specific Jira projects.

This is configured using a Data security policy, which can be configured by an Organization Admin. This allows you to select:

  • The Jira projects you’d like to restrict access to; and

  • The App access Policy rule.

If you have Atlassian Access, you’ll be able to choose which apps you block using an allowlist or a blocklist.

If you do not have Atlassian Access, you’ll only be able to block all apps. This means that using a Block app access rule to restrict Easy Agile TeamRhythm will block other apps as well.

Multi-project boards and app access

Easy Agile TeamRhythm provides a User Story Map for each Jira board. A Jira board might contain issues from more than one project. Learn more about multi-project boards in Easy Agile TeamRhythm here.

Blocking access to one project in a multi-project will cause some issues on the board to be missing. Users will see a message when this is caused by an App access rule.

  • For example, a Jira board might contain project “WEB” and “IOS” (eg. board filter query project IN (WEB, IOS) ORDER BY Rank ASC). If project “WEB” has an App access Policy rule that blocks Easy Agile TeamRhythm, but IOS doesn’t, then the app will only show the IOS issues from the board.

Restricted projects will appear as an option when quick creating issues. However, the app will fail to create the issue and the user will be directed to Jira’s Create issue form. The created issue will not appear on the User Story Map.

Is it possible to restrict the Easy Agile TeamRhythm app to certain Jira projects?

On Jira Cloud, you may be able to use a Data security policy; see “Block app access using a Data security policy on Jira Cloud” above.

On Jira Data Center, it is not possible to enable/disable the app on specific Jira projects or boards.

On Data Center versions of the app, it is possible to hide one or both of the icons from the project sidebar in ALL Jira projects. See “Can I remove both of the app icons from the Project sidebar?” below.

Can I change the position of the User Story Map icon in the Project sidebar?

This is only available when using the app on Jira Data Center.

Jira Administrator permission is required for this configuration.

The position of the User Story Map icon can be changed by altering the script in the Announcement banner.

To move the icon to, in this example, below the Reports icon, add the following code snippet to the Announcement banner:

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {

If you're not actively using the Announcement banner, we recommend also adding the following CSS style to hide the banner. Otherwise, it will show unnecessary whitespace at the top of every page.

  #announcement-banner {
    display: none;

User permissions

Jira’s Permissions configuration controls what users can access in Easy Agile TeamRhythm. Users will never be able to view or change Jira data using the app if they do not have permission to do the same action in Jira.

  • Users will need access to a Jira board to view the User Story Map and Retrospective for that Jira board.

  • Users will be able to view, create and edit issues only if they have the relevant permissions in Jira. This is configured in the Permissions Scheme used in each Jira project.

  • Easy Agile TeamRhythm adds a User Story Map page for each Jira board; a board may contain more than one project. Permissions will be applied to issues based on what Jira project the given issue is in.

Learn more about administering permissions in Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center.

On Data Center app versions 8.5.0 and lower, users without Create issue permission will get an error message “An unexpected error occurred”.

This can be fixed by updating the app to version 8.6.0 or later, or by granting Create issue permission to the user. See more details about this error here.

The app does not add new permissions options to Jira.

It is possible to restrict permission to view a Retrospective created in the app. Learn more about configuring retrospective permissions in Private Retrospectives.

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