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Configuring the Roadmap issue source

This guide helps you choose which of the 3 Roadmap issue source options will work best for your situation.

Configuring this correctly when creating a Program will let you add the epics/features you need to your roadmap.

Create program step 3 shows radio buttons for the three roadmap issue source options

Step 3 in creating a Program: select the Roadmap issue source

This selection cannot be changed later when editing a Program

The Edit roadmap form with the Roadmap issue source section greyed-out and non-interactive. Only the one selected radio button is visible. A note says 'We recommend you create a new program if you wish to change the issue source'.

Roadmap issue source setting in the Edit Program menu

How the roadmap is used

The Roadmap issue source determines what issues will show in the Roadmap backlog for you to schedule on your roadmap.

Edit Roadmap page.png

Automatic roadmap scheduling with date syncing

If you also configure date syncing for your Program, issues from this source will be automatically scheduled on the roadmap.

Issues scheduled in different Programs, or in Plans for Jira / Advanced Roadmaps, will show on the same dates everywhere you view them.

Where the Roadmap is displayed

You’ll see issues from the Roadmap across multiple pages of the Easy Agile Programs app:

Program board hierarchy higlighted.png

Issue levels on the Program roadmap page

  • Issues in purple on the Team planning page

    • The Team Planning page will only show roadmap issues scheduled in that team’s swimlane or the “Shared team features” swimlane.

On the Program board or (pictured) Team planning page, click on a roadmap issue to show that issue’s children.

  • If you select a Roadmap issue source that uses epic-level, this will show the child issues of that issue using Jira’s inbuilt hierarchy.

Team planning page focus on epic.png

Filtering by a selected roadmap issue on the Team planning page

Can I add issues to the roadmap for more than one Program?

Yes, you can schedule an issue in more than one Program if it’s in the Roadmap issue source for both Programs.

Choosing the Roadmap issue source for your situation

You can’t change the Roadmap issue source after you’ve created a Program. You’ll need to create a new Program to use a different Roadmap issue source.

You can change:

  • Change the set of team boards included in a Program

  • Swap from one dedicated roadmap board to a different board

  • Change the link connecting roadmap issues to team-level issues, if you’re not using epics

To choose the right option for your situation, you’ll need to know 2 things:

  1. If you’ll use issues from the teams' Jira boards, or centrally manage the roadmap with a dedicated Jira board

Teams' Jira boards

Dedicated Jira board

  • Use the epics that your teams use on their boards.

  • No Quick Filters available in Easy Agile Programs to filter the roadmap.

  • Use an existing board, or create a new one that includes all the issues you want on your roadmap.

  • Control what’s included on the roadmap and roadmap backlog by editing the board filter query.

  • Use Quick Filters from that Jira board to filter roadmap-level issues in Easy Agile Programs.

  • Reorder issues using Easy Agile Programs if your board has Ranking enabled.

  1. If you’ll schedule Jira epics, or other issue types on the roadmap

Jira epics

Any issue types

  • Use the default epic issue type (even if it’s been renamed on your Jira site).

  • Use the inbuilt epic-to-child hierarchy to connect epics on the roadmap to team-level issues.

  • (warning) Epics from team-managed projects can’t be used as “Jira epics” due to technical differences.

  • Use a custom issue type or multiple issue types.

  • Configure how these issues on the roadmap will connect to team-level issues.

  • (Jira Cloud only) Use Epics or issues from team-managed projects

On Jira Cloud Premium, use all epic-level issues in your issue type hierarchy by choosing “Epic level issues from my team boards” or “Epic level issues from a dedicated board”.

You’ll then choose one of these Roadmap issue source options in Step 3 of creating a Program:

Flowchart illustration of the table below

Flowchart: choosing the roadmap issue source


Roadmap backlog source

Issue type


Jira epics from my team boards

Team board backlogs

Epics only


Jira epics from a dedicated board

Dedicated Jira board

Epics only


Any issue types from a dedicated board

Dedicated Jira board

All issue types

Configuring the options

Select a roadmap issue source in Step 3 when creating a new Program.

Create program step 3 shows radio buttons for the three roadmap issue source options

Jira epics from my team boards

This option suits situations where each team is responsible for managing epics on their own backlog and adds their plans to the Program roadmap.

Create Program epics from team boards.png


  • The roadmap backlog will only be epics (even if you’ve renamed this issue type).

  • The epic-to-child hierarchy will connect epics on the roadmap to team-level issues. This is the “Parent link” field on Jira Cloud, or “Epic link” field on Jira Data Center.

  • You will not be able to use Quick Filters in Easy Agile Programs to filter epics.

  • (Jira Cloud only) Epics from team-managed projects will not show in the Roadmap backlog due to technical differences.

  • (Jira Cloud Premium only) All issue types configured at level 1 in your issue type hierarchy will be available when using this option.

Jira epics from a dedicated board

This option suits situations where the roadmap is centrally managed. The Roadmap backlog will include Epics from a single Jira board.

Create Program epics from dedicated board.png

You’ll select this Jira board when creating a Program, but you can also switch the roadmap board later.

  • If you don’t have an existing Jira board for this, you may need to create a new one in Jira first.

  • You can use a multi-project board.

  • (Jira Cloud only) You can’t select a team-managed project due to technical differences.


  • The roadmap backlog will only be epics (even if you’ve renamed this issue type).

  • The epic-to-child hierarchy will connect epics on the roadmap to team-level issues. This is the “Parent link” field on Jira Cloud, or “Epic link” field on Jira Data Center.

  • Use Quick Filters from that Jira board to filter epics.

  • Change what issues are included on the Roadmap by editing the board filter query in Jira.

  • (Jira Cloud Premium only) All issue types configured at level 1 in your issue type hierarchy will be available when using this option.

Any issue types from a dedicated board

This is the most flexible option and suits Programs in any of the following situations:

  • The inbuilt epic issue type isn’t used

  • The roadmap needs to include multiple issue types

  • The roadmap includes issues from one or more team-managed projects (Jira Cloud)

Create Program any issues from dedicated board.png

You’ll select this Jira board when creating a Program, but you can also switch the roadmap board later.

  • If you don’t have an existing Jira board for this, you may need to create a new one in Jira first.

  • You can use a multi-project board.

  • (Jira Cloud only) You can use a team-managed project or a multi-project board that includes issues from a team-managed project.

You’ll also need to select a link type to describe how team issues to roadmap issues. You can change this later. This is because Easy Agile Programs can’t automatically use the epic-to-child relationship when you’re not using epics.


  • All issue types (other than sub-tasks) will show in the Roadmap backlog

  • Use Quick Filters from that Jira board to filter roadmap-level issues.

  • Change what issues are included on the Roadmap by editing the board filter query in Jira.

You can’t schedule an issue on the Edit roadmap page if that issue is already scheduled on a Team planning page.

This Roadmap issue source makes it possible for the same issues to appear in the Team planning page backlog AND the Roadmap backlog.

Example configurations

Simplest option: epics from teams

Say you’ve added three team boards to your Program: WEB board, IOS board, and ADR board. Each team already manages the epics/features they’re working towards on their own backlog.

If you select “Jira epics from my team boards”, the Roadmap backlog will contain: epics from the WEB board + epics from the IOS board + epics from the ADR board.

Existing feature backlog of epics

Say your backlog of epics is already managed on a board called “Feature backlog”. You’d like to use these epics to build your cross-team roadmap.

Use “Jira epics from a dedicated board” and select this board when creating or editing a Program.

Epics from teams, but with Quick Filters

Say you’d like to use the Epics from your team boards, but you’d also like to use Quick Filters in Easy Agile Programs.

Your team boards use Jira projects WEB, IOS, and ADR. Create a new Jira board to manage the backlog that includes those three projects: this will have a board filter query like project IN (WEB, IOS, ADR) ORDER BY Rank ASC. Create new Quick Filters on that board in Jira.

Use “Jira epics from a dedicated board” and select this board when creating or editing a Program.

Integrating with a custom hierarchy in Jira’s Plans / Advanced Roadmaps

Say you’re using a custom hierarchy in Jira using Plans on Jira Cloud or Advanced Roadmaps on Jira Data Center. The configuration uses a custom issue type named “Features” that is one level above stories. You haven’t renamed the inbuilt Epic issue type for this.

To use this custom issue type, you’ll need to use “Any issue types from a dedicated board” the the link type “Parent”.

If you don’t have an existing board containing all the Features, you’ll need to create a new one in Jira. This might mean creating a new Filter (or saved search) that includes all the required Features; then, you can create a new board based on that Filter.

Custom issue types, without custom hierarchy

If you’re using Jira Cloud Standard, it isn’t possible to change the default hierarchy in Jira. You may also choose this if your Jira site isn’t configured with the hierarchy you’d like to use in your Program.

Say you’d like to use two custom issue types on the roadmap: “Features” and “Enablers”. Your teams create these issues in their projects (WEB, IOS, and ADR).

If you don’t have a hierarchy configured in Jira, you’ll need to use issue links instead. A Jira Administrator can create a custom issue link type created on your Jira site. This could be named “implements / is implemented by”. For example, five Tasks on the team board implement a Feature on the roadmap.

Create a new Jira board that includes the projects WEB, IOS, and ADR. To avoid scheduling other issue types on your roadmap and make it easier to find the issues you need, edit the board filter to include only these two issue types. This results in a board filter like: project IN (WEB, IOS, ADR) AND issuetype IN (Feature, Enabler) ORDER BY Rank ASC.

Use “Any issue types from a dedicated board”. Select this new board when creating or editing a Program, and the link type “implements“.

Learn more about configuring boards in Jira

Next steps: using the roadmap

Easy Agile support

If you’re having issues creating or configuring a Program, reach out to our support team here! We can answer any questions, walk you through the process, and help you find a configuration that works for you.

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