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Date syncing with native Jira date fields

Available on all Jira Cloud sites and when using Easy Agile Programs version 5.0.0 and later on Jira Data Center.

What is date syncing?

Date syncing provides greater integration between Easy Agile Programs, Jira and Advanced Roadmaps.

Without date syncing, changes made to features (Jira epics) on your program roadmap are only visible within Programs.

When configuring your Program with start and end date fields, Easy Agile Programs will automatically update these fields when a feature is scheduled or moved on the roadmap. Additionally, features will automatically display in the correct increment and sprint(s) when these fields have been populated outside of Programs.

Features that do not have these dates will appear on the Roadmap backlog and will need to be manually scheduled into your Increment Roadmap.

How to configure date syncing

Don’t date syncing when creating/editing a Program on your site?

On Data Center app version 5.2.1 and earlier, date syncing is configured when creating or editing an Increment. See the guide for earlier versions here.

Create program workflow

Edit program screen

Select the Start Date and End Date field used within your Jira instance to enable date syncing.

Rescheduling issues in Easy Agile Programs will not automatically sync back with Jira unless the date fields are on the edit issue screen.

A Jira Administrator can add the fields to the screen this in Jira’s Issue settings. For more information on managing issue screens, see Atlassian’s documentation for Jira Cloud or Jira Data Center.

How to change the date fields

  1. Navigate to the Program Roadmap

  2. Click on ‘Edit Program’

  3. Change the date fields. Reminder: For date syncing to work properly, please ensure the date fields you select are shown on your Jira edit issue screen.

  4. Click ‘Update Program’

If you change the date fields, this change will impact all increments in your program. If you do not wish to impact previous increments then we recommend creating a new program with date syncing enabled.

Editing a Program requires manage programs or Jira administrator permissions.

How to stop using date syncing

  1. Navigate to the Program Roadmap

  2. Click on ‘Edit Program’

  3. Clear both the start and end date fields

  4. Click ‘Update Program’

If you remove the date fields, this change will impact all increments in your program. If you do not wish to impact previous increments then we recommend creating a new program without date syncing configured.

Editing a Program requires manage programs or Jira administrator permissions.


Can I continue without using date syncing?

Yes. Simply leave these fields blank when creating a new program. Without date syncing, any scheduling changes made to your feature roadmap will not be reflected to the rest of Jira. Additionally, any scheduling changes made to the feature outside of Programs will not be automatically reflected on the Program Roadmap.

Please note: team level issues like user stories will be in sync with Jira for scrum boards without date syncing as we use the sprint field to keep these issues updated.

Will turning on date syncing impact previous increments?

Yes, date syncing is a global setting. If you have a program with previous increments that you do not wish to impact then we recommend creating a new program with date syncing enabled.

Why are the date fields not updating when I reschedule my feature?

Things to check if date fields are not being updated:

1. The configured start date and end date fields are on the Jira edit issue screen. You will need a Jira Administrator to add the date fields. More information can be found in the Atlassian’s Manage issue screen documentation.

Programs will display a modal containing information that can be shared with your Jira Administrator to resolve.

Example modal containing field and increment information

2. The correct Start date and End date fields have been added to your program

3. The current user has sufficient permissions to edit the issue in Jira.

Why do my features appear in the Shared Features swimlane?

Easy Agile Programs will automatically place features with date in the Shared Features swimlane when Programs is unable to determine which team a feature belongs to.

To resolve, drag the issue to the correct Team Swimlane on the edit increment screen.

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