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Create and Edit a Program Increment

A Program Increment is a time-boxed period, often a quarter, in which to deliver a set of agreed features.

Users with “Manage Programs” permission can create, edit, and delete Increments from the Program Roadmap screen.

Creating a new increment

When creating a new Increment, you’ll be able to configure:

  1. The Increment name

  2. The start date of the Increment

    • The Increment cannot overlap with other Increments in the same Program)

  3. The number and length of Increments in the Increment

    • The end date of the Increment will be automatically calculated based on sprint lengths

  4. The sprint source, which controls which sprints from Jira will be synchronized with the Increment

The Sprint source cannot be changed after creating an Increment. Check this guide to find which option will work best for you!

From v6.0.0, you can select custom sprint lengths to allow for holidays or planning periods

Editing an increment

To edit an increment, click the (…) menu on the Increment and select “Edit Increment”.

Program roadmap Edit Increment highlighted.png

From here you can:

  • Change the Increment Name

    • Changing the Increment name will automatically update the custom fields

  • Change the Increment start date

  • Change the length and number of sprints in your increment

  • If the Sprint source is “shared sprints from a dedicated board”, swap the synchronized sprints or the source board

If you’d like more editing capabilities, let us know your use case here!

Deleting an increment

To delete an increment, click the (…) menu on the Increment and select “Delete Increment”. This action is not reversible.

Delete Increment.png


Does every sprint need to be the same length?

From v6.0.0, we have introduced custom sprint lengths to provide greater flexibility when planning - whether it’s for holiday periods, inspect and adapt events, or release periods.

With this release, teams will still be on the same cadence but will be able to plan their work more accurately in alignment with calendar timings and different sprint lengths.

Does every team in the Program have to follow the same cadence?

Following the guidance from Scaled Agile, our product has been designed for all teams in your Agile Release Train to have the same length sprints.

Are sprint dates synced with Jira?

The dates shown in Easy Agile Programs are calculated based on the start date, sprint length and sprint count. These dates are currently not synced with Jira so it is possible to have conflicting dates between Easy Agile Programs and Jira

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