Team-Managed Compatibility: Configuration B
I want to schedule epics from a dedicated agile board onto my Program Roadmap

By selecting this option, Easy Agile Programs will use the Epic link to link stories to the Epics on the Roadmap. Limited functionality exists for Programs where epic linking is used:
Create or edit a Program

Team-managed boards can be added to a new or existing program - this includes team-managed boards set up as scrum or kanban
A team-managed board can’t be used as the Roadmap board. This is because Jira doesn't classify company-managed and team-managed epics in the same way so epic linking is not possible between a company-managed and a team-managed issue
Create an Increment

A team-managed board can’t be used for global/shared sprints.
Reason - Completing a sprint that contains both company-managed and team-managed issues on a team-managed board will not roll classic issues into the next sprint.
When creating a new increment, you won’t be able to select a team-managed board for shared sprints. This is because completing a sprint that contains both company-managed and team-managed issues on a team-managed board will not roll company-managed issues into the next sprint.
Please be aware that shared sprints (from a company-managed board) will not appear on the team-managed board. Any issues allocated to a shared company-managed sprint will appear in the team-managed backlog.
Team-managed kanban boards are not compatible with shared sprints. Currently, we’re unable to support team-managed kanban boards when using global sprints as this is not supported by Jira.
Increment Roadmap
Company-managed (features) can be scheduled into the team-managed and shared team swimlanes
Team-managed won’t be shown in the roadmap backlog as they can’t be scheduled on the roadmap
Reason - Jira doesn't classify company-managed and team-managed epics in the same way and epic linking is not possible between a team-managed epic and a company-managed issue.
Team Planning Board
Company-managed epics (features) scheduled into the team-managed and shared team swimlanes will be shown on the team-managed team planning board
Team-managed issues will be shown on the backlog and can be scheduled into the increment sprints
Dependencies can be created and viewed between team-managed and company-managed issues
You won’t be able to filter issues by clicking on a feature
You won’t be able to click on company-managed epic to create new issues linked to that epic. This is because epic linking is not possible between a company-managed epic and a team-managed issue.