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6.1.2 - Pre-filling Issues with Components/Labels

Release date: 9th September 2020

Pre-filling Issues with Components/Labels to meet board filter conditions

In previous versions, creating an issue on the Story Map for a board with a filter that looked like

  • Project = EASY AND component = Agile ORDER BY Rank ASC

  • Project = EASY AND labels in (Story, Map) ORDER BY Rank ASC

  • Project = EASY AND component = 10021 ORDER BY Rank ASC

would result in that issue disappearing from view after creation.

Issues were not pre-filled with the component or label values, and therefore did not meet the conditions to be displayed on the Story Map.

Easy Agile User Story Maps now supports pre-filling issues created on the Story Map with any component or label specified in the Board filter! This means no more disappearing acts. Your issues will remain visible on the Story Map with the component/labels assigned to them in Jira.

Special Thanks!

We wanted to say a big thank you to Bahar, Christoph, Subramanyam, Joey, Ryan, Yuliya, Kasper, Chris, Morten, Darren, Gilbert, Dennis, Ludwig, Ingo, Jeff, Florian, Judy, Scott, Eric, Nikita, Monica and Pavan.


Thank you for all of your support and encouragement as we work to continuously improve the Easy Agile User Story Maps! We can't succeed without your insight into your use cases and recommendations for improvement. Reach out directly via the  button at the top of your Story Map.

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